Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rip-it Rip-it... Stop it!

frog [frawg] verb
  1. to rip out worked rows of stitches, often due to locating mistake, or simply giving up after        investing hours into a project.

In Japan, the kajika goes kerokero. In Spain the rana sings cruá-cruá. A beka would say bre-ke-ke in Hungary. Here in Norway, frosker sier kvakkIn the knitting world, however, frogs say "rip it, rip it." - Techniques with Theresa

Blame it on my constant need for perfection, or complete lack of patience- I am the ultimate frog-er.  I hate to admit it, but it is true.  Sometimes, I'd like to extend this verb out from the world of knitting, and use it to describe my actions in everyday life.  Case and point:  This blog. 

I have an abundance of grand ideas and plans, and a total lack of follow-through.  So it's been 2 months and 9 days since my last post.  What got me off track this time?  The list is endless.  It started with the kneedles though.  I was on a roll!  I knit the cutest pair of mittens (my first!), and made amazing progress on the Fiance Hoodie v4.0.  Then I put the kneedles down for a minute (or five), and moved.  And while I could definitely be settled into the new digs and knitting in my craft room by now... I decided to pick up yet another addiction:  Dominion.  Watch out, a board-gaming blog may be next.  Really.  I'm a nerd.  So, in an effort to perform a self-intervention, I decided I needed to put any further game related purchases on hold, and get back to the kneedles.

So, it is with great pleasure, and intense fear, that I announce my official enrollment in: 

The Knitting Guild Association's Masters Program

Wish me luck, that's all I have to say.  At least this venture doesn't have a time limit.  And with 16 swatches to (perfectly) knit at each of the three levels...  I have a feeling I'll be hearing a lot of frogs in my future. 

...rip-it ...rip-it ...rip-it